Thursday, April 9, 2015

City of Humboldt Engages in an “Election on Results”: Launching Priority Based Budgeting as the First City in Saskatchewan, Canada!

The City of Humboldt, Saskatchewan's elected officials and department directors participated in an entirely different kind of election last night, as they weighed in on a comprehensive set of “values” identified in their Strategic Plan.

Thank you for taking part in this unique "budgeting" experience,” began the unique online ballot exercise. “Through Priority Based Budgeting, we are presenting you an opportunity to directly influence the way dollars are spent in this community. Think of it as an election, but a very unusual election: an election for the Results that matter most to you.”

      "Why" Does our Local Government Exist?  The City of Humboldt Engages in an "Election on Results"

The City of Humboldt, Saskatchewan launched their Priority Based Budgeting process April 8th, leveraging and building upon over a year of Strategic Planning that set forth values, and strategies to achieve those values. Their objective in initiating Priority Based Budgeting is to link every dollar spent to the programs and services most directly aligned with the achievement of those values.

As the ballot read: “By placing more of your votes toward the achievement of any Result, you are communicating to your City that services designed to achieve that Result are a high priority. Similarly, vote less for Results that, while still important to you, are relatively less important. By not voting for a particular Result, you are informing the City that any programs currently designed to achieve that Result should not be provided – a “no-vote” is that serious. 

This is about clearly prioritizing the role you want your local government to serve in your life, and your community. Lastly, there is the opportunity for "write-in" candidates - if you feel that any "Results" are missing, please add a Result, and then allocate part of your vote total to the new Result.” 

Election Results are Tallied and Reported

With Results established, and prioritized, the City will embark on the next phase of Priority Based Budgeting on April 9th, as each Result is defined in detail. Precision in Priority Based Budgeting depends on the clear articulation of the cause and effect relationship between a program and a defined Result. With clearly defined “Result Definitions,” detailing the factors that influence the Results the City is in business to achieve, it can seek to minimize subjectivity in the process of linking those Results to programs or services offered to the community.

Great work City of Humboldt! Welcome to the Priority Based Budgeting community!

Center for Priority Based Budgeting
Driving the Data-Focused Future of Communities
2015 Annual Conference 
Denver, Colorado | August 4 - 6, 2015
Sheraton Downtown Denver Hotel
Early bird discount available now (for a limited time)

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